Evaluation and review
Higher education institutions require effective, regular and systematic processes for evaluating and reviewing their activities. We have extensive international and national experience in reviewing organisational units,
educational programs and initiatives, providing concise reports and recommendations to support the future
directions of organisations and initiatives. We have considerable experience serving as Chairs and panel members of organisational reviews throughout Australia and internationally, e.g. Sweden, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Mauritius.
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Institutional planning and strategy for teaching quality
As part of quality assurance, higher education institutions need to plan, align, resource, monitor and improve their academic processes and practices in order to achieve improvement in student outcomes. Our Senior Consultants have worked with public and private institutions across Australia and internationally to design strategic interventions for enhancing
teaching quality which is informed by sectoral best practice and benchmarked against robust indicators.....read more
Academic and educational development
Our Senior Consultants have established and run centres for teaching and learning for leading Australian universities and have worked with all levels in universities and higher education institutions to support teaching, curriculum planning, and deliver professional development for Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans, Associate Deans, course and unit coordinators, lecturers, tutors and academic developers.....read more
Course and program review
Higher education institutions engage in systematic and comprehensive cycles of
review of courses and programs as part of their commitment to reflective practice, learning and improvement. We have served as course and program reviewers for universities and private higher education courses throughout Australia and internationally including in Hong Kong and New Zealand....read more
Academic integrity
We have developed and supported academic integrity initiatives at school, faculty, institution and national levels....read more
Academic governance
Academic governance provides oversight and leadership of an institution’s academic activities through overarching structures, policies and processes. We have extensive experience as advisors and iin senior roles in academic governance, as chairs and members of Academic Boards of universities and private higher education institutions....read more
Curriculum planning and evaluation
We have substantial experience leading and working with curriculum teams inside and outside Australia to plan and design curriculum that has robust learning outcomes, powerful and consequential assessment and feedback and teaching and learning activities that engage students actively in- and out-of-class and online...read more
Scholarly activity and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
We have established, led and supported initiatives for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) groups for universities and private higher education institutions seeking to meet the requirements of scholarly activity. We have worked with the Australasian Human Research Ethics Consultancy Services to produce a resource manual for the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching to support the ethical decision making of SoTL researchers that it funded. We have also created the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Law group (SoTL-in-Law) at the University of Western Australia, developed a unit on scholarly activity for the Higher Education Leadership Institute, Australia, produced a major SoTL resource for the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), and published extensively as active contributors to SoTL.....read more
Assessment design and implementation
We have worked with higher education providers to design and implement assessment at unit, program and institutional levels....read more
National and international teaching awards and grants
National agencies, institutions and disciplines have created teaching awards to
promote teaching excellence. We have contributed significantly to policy and procedures for institutional and national teaching awards and grants and have led,
supported and written our own successful applications.....read more